July 10, 2023

Marketing in Times of Disruption: Basic #2 – AUDIENCE

Continuing this four-part series on Marketing in Times of Disruption, once you’ve completed an audit of your online presence, addressed any blindspots, and populated your pages with timely, relevant information, the next step is to develop healthy communication habits.

green and yellow megaphone

Basic #2: Over communicate to your audience

In times of crisis, where there are gaps in communication people will fill it with assumptions.

– Melody Belotte

While it’s tempting for small business owners to go silent in times of disruption, studies show people are eager to hear from their business leaders.  This is where it’s important for business owners to remember they have both an internal audience (partners, employees, family) and an external audience (customers, leads, vendors).  Neglecting either group could prove fatal to your reputation and credibility.  Here are a few tips for communicating during a crisis:

Be Intentional

Your schedule can book up quickly when you’re in survival mode.  Make it a priority to communicate with your audience by putting a recurring reminder or appointment on your calendar.  Resist the temptation to overbook.

Be Consistent

Determine a frequency (daily, weekly, monthly etc.) and a channel (Zoom, phone calls, emails, Facebook Live, etc.). Even if there is no new information to share, the routine will offer the consistency people crave in uncertain times.

Be Human

Speak from the heart and show a healthy level of transparency and authenticity.  People need to hear your voice and see your face, so when possible, opt for video or phone calls over emails or written updates. 

Be Clear

When you can’t offer certainty, you can always offer clarity.  Address topics such as: current company status, why it matters (mission/vision), ways to help, etc. 

While it may seem like overkill, frequent and consistent communication is the best way to control the narrative and maintain a positive reputation for your company during a crisis.  Once you’ve established these communication rhythms with your current audience, learn how to grow your reach in part three of this series.

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